Rescue at Pine Ridge

Rescue at Pine Ridge
Presenting the epic Buffalo Soldier novel to Congresswoman Jackie Speier


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Buffalo Soldier story - "Rescue at Pine Ridge"

Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of the unknown Buffalo Soldier story, "Rescue at Pine Ridge" from Woodland Hills, CA.  Author: Erich Martin Hicks

Woodland Hills, CA, December 02, 2008.  Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Rescue at Pine Ridge:  Based on a True American Story by Erich Martin Hicks, which is the author’s most recent book to date.  The 5.5 x 8.5 paperback ISBN: 9781432728229 in the United States - 19th Century/Old West category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $19.95.  Rescue at Pine Ridge is also available in its 6.14 x 9.21 hardback 9781432736835 w/ jacket edition for $31.95.

About the Book (Excerpts & Info)

Rescue at Pine Ridge, takes us on a journey with one of the most highly disrespected regiments in the history of the United States Military, " The Buffalo Soldiers".  The gossip and rumors they experienced were false due to paranoia and racism.  The civilians, their Officers, the Indians that gave them their name, who observed their bravery, gallantry and heroism, knew better.

The time period is set from 1866 - 1891.  The location is the vast west territory of the Untied States.  The Buffalo Soldiers will keep the peace throughout the territory they patrol, from the border of Mexico, through the American Great Plains and up to the border of Canada.  Chasing renegade hostile Indians, Comancheros, Outlaws, removing land hungry settlers from Indian Territory; and performing the most famous rescue of the United States Army during the Indian Wars.  This was just after the "Wounded Knee Massacre", and the death of the "Ghost Dance" Medicine Man, Big Foot, at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The Sioux Nation set a trap, which almost leads to a second massacre of the 7th Cavalry at Pine Ridge, fourteen years later. Only after enduring an all night forced-march in a blizzard, the 7th Cavalry are saved from sure annihilation by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Solders.

The 9th Cavalry, K Troop, representing all the 9th Cavalry, is rewarded for accomplishments at Pine Ridge, with Presidential Parades, Escorts and Burial Detail.

Deftly constructed at 364 pages, Rescue at Pine Ridge:  Based on a True American Story is being aggressively promoted to appropriate markets with a focus on the United States - 19th Century/Old West category.  With U.S. wholesale distribution through Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and pervasive online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere, Rescue at Pine Ridge meets consumer demand through both retail and library markets with a suggested retail price of $19.95 and $31.95, respectively.

Additionally, Rescue at Pine Ridge can be ordered by retailers or wholesalers for the maximum trade discount price set by the author in quantities of ten or more from Alpha Wolf Productions, Inc., at

Also, for more information or to contact the author, visit Alpha Wolf Productions Inc., at:

About the Author

Erich garners his inspirations from his Grandfather, Buffalo Soldier Captain Lee Jay Hicks, who was the right hand man to General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing, during WW-I.

Erich's passion for America's Buffalo Soldiers, and the gallant rescue of the famed 7th Cavalry by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers inspired him to write this story.

Erich residences with his wife and animals in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Really appreciate your added information about the Buffalo Soldiers. Your book and movies sound interesting.

  2. Book sounds right up my alley. I studied military intelligence, in anthropology it was a course of emphasis, and taught by a communist who worked heavily with the Black Panthers back in the sixties. He had half a room of FBI papers on his surveillance through the freedom of Information Act. I have five books out myself, wrote and produced two tv shows, various live shows, a hit radio show... and have a new radio show coming up. Perhaps we could talk about my interviewing you for the show. We are having authors read up to one half hour on each show, using the arts organization started by Jason Pettus, CCLAP. Jason's websites have placed him as high as 37 on THE ENTIRE WEB. He gets millions of hits a day and will be on our first show, which will surely drive our numbers through the roof. Everything will be saved for podcaste as well. Let me know.

  3. I enjoyed reading about your book and plan on purchasing it for my husband. He teaches American History in Oklahoma. I appreciate your comment on my blog. I also teach 5th and 6th grade reading. I participate in a digital storytelling program called Celebrate Oklahoma Voices you might be interested in viewing the site. It has tons of stories from teachers and their relatives around Oklahoma. My first story was on Victory Gardens of WWI and II. It is only about 3-4 minutes. Have a look.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will look into your books and continue learning about the Buffalo soldiers. While education is not my profession, I was lucky enough to have teachers that brought to me places I would have never experienced given my beginnings. That is why I believe in education and its power to make change and create leaders.

  5. The musician in me reads this and thinks that there should be a musical "Buffalo Soldier" about this rescue. Think about a Broadway "book" of the story. Try to pitch it to a composer
